The Order of Flats

What is the order of flats?

The order of flats is:
(Scroll down to see the order of flats as key signatures on each clef below.)

Memorize the order of flats with the help of our free and interactive key signature flashcards!

Working on modes? Visit our Mode Calculator.

The order of sharps is the exact opposite of the order of flats. See here on the order of sharps page.

Want to print or download your own flashcards? Get them here Printable Key Signature Flashcards!

The order of flats and Key Signatures

Key signatures also follow this order. The image below shows order of flats as key signatures on the treble, alto, tenor, bass clefs:

order of flats in key signatures

To see the full image click here: Order of Flats image.

You may also notice that this is also the "right side" of the circle of fifths.

If you want practice recognizing key signatures and their respective keys, try out our key signature quiz!

*Hint!* To find the tonic of a key signature's major key, just look for the last sharp and then raise that note by a half-step. This works becuase the last sharp in a key signature is always the seventh scale degree! For example, the key signature of E major ends with a D#. If we raise that D# we find the tonic: E!

Mnemonics for the order of flats

There are a number of great mnemonics to help with memorizing the order of flats. Below you will find a list of a bunch, but I'll begin with my favorite:

Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles Father

This is my favorite mnemonic for the order of flats becuase it is also a perfect way to memorize the order of flats! This is because it is a palindrome! To get the order of sharps, just say it backwards: "Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle"

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